Challenging Myself | Lithium's Note

 Welcome to my another blog.

I've been doing my best to keep up my blog updated; but as you can see, it's basically empty.

Just as I posted in the very first one, I made this blogsite of mine a blank slate once more. I'm trying my all to keep going no matter how hopeless it may be, so I've made another move like it's a desperate one for gaining another viewer out of nowhere. You can hit the previous post down below so you can see what I mean.

Now, I will again begin to make a step to keep one progress at a time so I can make this blog of mine a better one.

And that step will be THIS: Using my site as my status page.

That ain't clear, is it?なに

What I mean is like instead of sharing what I like on my social media alone, I'll go post it first here (like it's my new social media site except a blog).

You might be wondering... "Why?".

Let me tell some of things you can do here (as the owner of blogsite) that you can't in social media (even if it's not that matter much to many).

One is that you can share as many media as you can on one blog post.

While SNS giants let you do so, too, when you upload many videos and photos all at the same time, when you want to add a link to direct anyone to a particular post from any sources, it'll be within the lines but not in between media.

Example are these ones I've made below:

Here's my photograph I captured using my phone camera:

Here's a link to the video of mine uploaded on YouTube:

An Abandoned Ware I Played from my Childhood 

Here's my YouTube video embedded (which you can no longer play directly within any social media without summoning either a browser or its app):

Here's a short video straight also from my camera:

Of course this approach is sort of outdated, BUT there's another thing you can't do when posting in SNS...


As you can see, you can be playful or creative when you make a blog using the tools most of blogging sites has.

Make a bold statement using bold font.

Italicize anything if you want to add side notes.

Underline words you want readers to take note.

Make one line colorful or mark things over.

You can even hide a secret phrase by coloring it the same as the blog's color. なに?

Of course there are strange formats you can post from a certain site or app to sort of "debunk" my declaration (and I'm not denying the existence of such things since I have a particular trouble from somebodies who use that somewhere), BUT...

Converting from one font to another

and another

and another

AND another

is totally only within particular sites that doesn't only halt to pure text: a place that every written words isn't restricted by what font site's system only has.

Well, that's just some of freedoms we need in writing things especially for people who want to give a lengthy explanation and properly showing examples in whatever manner they wish to do. The only thing I wish to all of you is to subscribe to my email group which you can find below my posts. Once you hit that button, you'll receive emails as freshest update from this blog.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you continue paying visit to my blog as I proceed to my journey of sharing thoughts.

This has been Lithium. A professor that is not.

