Follow to Follow? | Lithium's Note

Best way to garner followers...

Follow to follow
"Say "Count me in""


That'll only gain you a lot of empty-barreled followers.
They only follow, but doesn't engage well whatever you post ("kahit sabaw").

So the better (if not the best) way to garner followers is to make a content worth engaging. That way, no one would feel being forced, coerced or whatever to tap "follow" on your profile without knowing whichever topic, niche etc. you are sharing.

(But I don't know what to share.)

That's where the true challenge you should face. Worrying about if won't help, even complaining about followers being "coerced" or "tricked".

Find your strong suit. Are you a musician? a singer? a programmer? a comedian? Whichever it may be, why not use them on your next posts?

For example, you like snapping photos of animals. Other than naming them on your caption in every post you make, you can add trivia about them, or make a backstory (like if you captured a moment a cat's biting a toy mouse, you add how it ended on its claws and fangs and what kind of cat it is) to make someone sitting in front of their phone stay a little while and give time to read what you shared. With that, you gain engagements little by little; and if you're fortunate enough, anybody found your content worth following and sharing will follow you and share your posts (even without "please like and share this post" line in each posts of yours).

Remember: don't use "Type Amen" and curse-you-if-you-don't-share method because that's either a one-hit wonder or a doom of yours because that won't make your profile worth keeping to follow. Yes, it's EITHER you forced people out of fear or misusing divine word and gaining their empty likes and shares OR shoo away real believers of God because you're inviting punishment for yourself and they won't join you (especially if you're claiming as believer yourself).

(But I'm not good at making lengthy description of my posts.)

Well, it doesn't necessarily mean lengthy. Even short or even no caption at all, "a picture paint a thousand words" as the saying goes, right? Now, with the advent of technology, you can capture not just a photo but also a video of anything... or draw something... or ask AI to do something for you.

Well, forget about the AI, I guess. That's no longer your effort, I suppose.

The point, there's a lot of means to grow your followers without constantly begging for it and hoping for nothing.

Some I can set as an example are...
Steven He for creating videos relating us Asians to our everyday lives being a failure;
Kimono Mom for making videos of her and her child Sutan enjoying cooking foods;
Mark Rober sharing his inventions to inspire others to achieve their dreams;
Guga for experiments on dry-aged steaks;
Jim Browning, Scammer Payback, Kitboga and others for exposing scammers;
Uncle Roger / Nigel Ng for criticizing so-called cookings using common sense while cracking jokes;
Zach King for "Magical" editing skills;
and a lot more.

Of course, fame wasn't built for a day or a week; or if they do, not all last a lifetime.

So here comes the most challenging part of follower-garnering game: consistency.

Consistency doesn't always mean "everyday". Even every week is also a consistency. And time is not also the only thing you need to be consistent of, even the quality of your content needs consistency or you'll have your engagements plunging down... STONKS!

This part is also a lengthy one so I suggest you watch SunnyV2 or anybody else you wish to watch discussing about content creators losing subscribers or getting cancelled, and you'll see one common reason why.

Quality Content.

Just like cooking, and maybe watch Gordon Ramsay getting frustrated, mad and miffed to each and everyone losing consistency of their foods' quality, you'll understand what I'm trying to convey. Add too much salt, the food gets salter; reduce too much, and it'll be bland. Same for content creation: do it half-baked, it won't satisfy followers; add too much, they might find others; cross a line, you'll go down the drain.

Of course, before you serve your product, you must check its quality. If you're certain enough, start sharing your content. Think of share button as "word of mouth" and it'll spread like wildfire (except it's either for good or for bad) and you'll see it garnering engagements.

Do these things, and you won't be begging for followers. You can, however, occasionally ask them to follow you for more updates. Occasionally, I say. Let people decide. Let your followers count grow organically.

