Look! A Podcast!

Look, up on this page... it's a podcast!

Welp. As you can see... I'm alive! 😏

Still, I'm losing confidence upon writing a blog.

Wait, I'm writing a blog! YAY! 

Okay then, here's the news. I uploaded my first podcast on Spotify.

The name of the podcast is Lithium's Podcast (with me as you host... obviously). This podcast will consist of random stuff I want to share (kind of immediately). You see, typing is much better because before you post anything in text, you can review it as many as possible; but sometimes you feel the need to speak up vocally so you can be heard not just audibly but with feelings as well. Understandably, there are moments when reading a written reply or post, people thought that you're mad or at rage because you FORGOT THAT YOU HIT THAT CAPS LOCK WHILE TYPING, or incomprehendable due to SiMPlY mAKiNG sTYLes oUt of YouR tYpiNgs, or being baffled for misusing punctuations? like when your input is actually a question but you, ended up using a period instead?

(You're confused now, right?)

Well, don't get me wrong. It's not that we won't fall to err when we speak, sometimes we even stutter, giggle or laugh so suddenly when that's not appropriate in the mood. Things do happen when we speak so considerations and understanding are the keys for everything that needs to be heard.

I hope you continue patronizing my contents from this day forth. I really want to do more of podcasting and blogging as much as I could. Who knows? You might see things I've posted here or uploaded there as something useful to your everyday life. Sometimes even by just reading someone's post gives us foreknowledge for things we will be or currently facing.

That's for now on this first post for a while. See you on my next blog.

