
Follow to Follow? | Lithium's Note

Best way to garner followers... Follow to follow "Say "Count me in"" Complain 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 That'll only gain you a lot of empty-barreled followers. They only follow, but doesn't engage well whatever you post ("kahit sabaw"). So the better (if not the best) way to garner followers is to make a content worth engaging. That way, no one would feel being forced, coerced or whatever to tap "follow" on your profile without knowing whichever topic, niche etc. you are sharing. (But I don't know what to share.) That's where the true challenge you should face. Worrying about if won't help, even complaining about followers being "coerced" or "tricked". Find your strong suit. Are you a musician? a singer? a programmer? a comedian? Whichever it may be, why not use them on your next posts? For example, you like snapping photos of animals. Other than naming them on your caption in every post y...

So... Why Not Make Email Services Our New SMS? | Lithium's Note

Our era now is an internet era.

Should I call it.. Ad-buse? | Lithium's Note

Facebook has a big problem concerning ads right now... or rather even long before now.

Challenging Myself | Lithium's Note

 Welcome to my another blog. I've been doing my best to keep up my blog updated; but as you can see, it's basically empty.

Look! A Podcast!

Look, up on this page... it's a podcast! Welp. As you can see... I'm alive! 😏 Still, I'm losing confidence upon writing a blog. Wait, I'm writing a blog! YAY!  Okay then, here's the news. I uploaded my first podcast on Spotify . The name of the podcast is Lithium's Podcast (with me as you host... obviously). This podcast will consist of random stuff I want to share (kind of immediately). You see, typing is much better because before you post anything in text, you can review it as many as possible; but sometimes you feel the need to speak up vocally so you can be heard not just audibly but with feelings as well. Understandably, there are moments when reading a written reply or post, people thought that you're mad or at rage because you FORGOT THAT YOU HIT THAT CAPS LOCK WHILE TYPING, or incomprehendable due to SiMPlY mAKiNG sTYLes oUt of YouR tYpiNgs, or being baffled for misusing punctuations? like when your input is actually a question ...

Starting the Blog All Over Again | Prof Lithium

Being in a slump is really a pain.
